About NHT

NHT has been established by one of the founding directors of InferMed Limited (www.infermed.com) to bring the power of the Arezzo® technology, which supports and liberates human reasoning rather than trying to constrain it with  a series of flow charts, to the non-healthcare sector for the first time. 

Why NHT?

In Irish mythology nine hazelnuts fell into the pool of wisdom where they were eaten by a salmon which then became the Salmon of Knowledge.  It was said whomsoever ate first of this fish would become the wisest man in Ireland.  The fish was caught by a poet Finnegas, who was at the time teaching the hero Finn Macool.  Finn was set to look after the fish whilst it was cooking but told not to eat it.  Unfortunately for Finnegas, Finn burnt his thumb on the cooking fish and sucking it was enough for him to gain the wisdom of the fish.  Thereafter when he had a big decision to make he only had to suck his thumb to chose wisely.  Knowledge transfer in action!

In the Irish alphabet all letters have proper names and that for the letter ‘c’ is Coll which means Hazel.  The company logo is the letter ‘c’ in the ogham script which was used on wood and stone in early Irish monuments. The graphics are the Irish CAD (What), CEN UAIR (When) and CEN FATH (Why)

Why Arezzo?

The Arezzo® software is named after Guido of Arezzo, the inventor of modern musical notation. Prior to its invention, music had to be passed on orally from one choir master to another and naturally error would creep in.  With a standard notation it was possible to eradicate the error in transmission of the complicated processes required to perform a piece of music.  Notation thus allowed complex music to become reproducible more widely. However, a musical score still requires expertise in order to be able to perform it. The same is true with Arezzo applications they do not de-skill but instead allow the user to concentrate on the human elements (the art) of a process.   

Arezzo® is a commercial implementation of the PROforma modeling language developed by Prof John Fox http://www.cossac.org/people/johnfox whilst at Cancer Research UK.

1. Arezzo is a trademark of InferMed limited (www.infermed.com)       

Copyright Nine Hazelnuts Technology Limited 2010